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My Educational Background

My educational background is varied and extensive. I completed the "traditional path" of high school and college, then changed courses to enter the Cosmetology scene until finally realizing that my passion and interest was strong in the Healing, Holistic, and Shaman arts. I'm listing my educational background here for everyone to see because I'm proud the accomplishments, but also for potential clients to see my experience.



*Certified Love Coach through the Love Coach Academy

  completed February 2020


*Certified Holistic Health Coach - As of April 2017 

- By the Health Coach Institute


*Certified as Healing Practitioner Level 1 & 2, Aura & Chakra Clearing, Hands-On Healing, Basic Past-Life Readings completed courses - See You Inside Healer's Academy - 2012/2013


*State Licensed Esthetician (Spa/Facials/Makeup/Hair Removal); Paul Mitchell Cosmetology School - 2012


*Certified in Reflexology (for the feet) - Integrative Healing Institute - 2014


*Certified in Reiki Energy Healing Level 1 & 2 - by a Reiki Master in San Antonio - 2014


*Crystal Healing Therapy with Sacred Geometry 1 & 2 Certified Practitioner - The Modern Mystery School - 2014


*The Medicine Buddha Healing Shaman Course at the Dari-Rulai Temple in Los Angeles - Learned ancient healing chants for the body and energy blessing work - 2013


*Sound Therapy using Tibetan Singing Bowls course - Unplug Meditation - 2015


*Level 1 Tantra Instructor - The Source School of Tantra Yoga - Completion of Course - 2016​


*Sacred Dakini Training on Chakra & Aura Clearing with Shamanic Healing Tools - 2015


*Certified Angel Card Reader and Angel Intuitive Courses - Through the Doreen Virtue Online Courses - 2017 (but been practicing since 2012)


*Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, Minor in Sociology - University of Texas at San Antonio - Honors 3.8 GPA


*San Antonio College - Associates Degree - Honors Program 


*Roosevelt High School - Top 10% of class, Magna Cum Laude - Honors







My Hollywood Talk Show!

Watch The Street Angel Show Highlight clips Below!

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