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The Epic Healing CD

To purchase the complete meditation CD that includes both the Sound Tool Therapy and the Epic Healing Meditation, choose the PayPal link below to pay, and include your name and shipping address. This price is for shipping within the United States. If you're in another country, please add extra $5 for international shipping. 


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Epic Healing CD:

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This meditation was specially designed by me in coordination with Spirit  to give the receiver a deeply healing experience that combines a release of heavy emotional baggage from past  trauma and positive mental reprogramming of self-love affirmations. *You'll want to be alone in a quiet place with no disturbances for the duration of this meditation. A box of tissues may be handy too. If you own any crystals, it's great to hold them during the session.* The audio (mp3) file of the meditation will be emailed to you after your payment. Please allow 2-5 business days for me to send to you.

Length of meditation: 26 minutes $14.44

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Shamanic Sound Tool Therapy

This sound therapy experience will help you to vibrationally become calmer & more peaceful, gain clarity, open & balance your chakra energy centers, and cleanse your aura energy field around your body. This is also a great educational tool for other healers and therapists to learn and experience the shamanic sound tools in order to provide them to their own clients. It is excellent to do this meditation before the Epic Healing Meditation. May be purchased separately or together. The audio (mp3) file will be emailed to you after your payment. Please allow up to 2 business days.

Length of time: 10 minutes. $11.11

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My Hollywood Talk Show!

Watch The Street Angel Show Highlight clips Below!

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